Sunday, February 18, 2007

LSD: The Genius Drug.

Little do most people know, much of today's world was influenced greatly by this little slip of paper, laced with LSD, or lysergic acid diethylamide. I don't know a whole lot about the drug the way it effects whoever uses it, but I do know that whoever's on it sees some crazy crap.

Rumored examples of things discovered while under the influence of LSD:

1. DNA Double-Helix:

Frances Crick himself (the discoverer of DNA) was rumored to be under the influence of LSD whenever he realized that all genes were coded by close-knit chromosome sequences in the form of a double-helix. I can't think of any other logical reasoning that he could have possibly use. Upon finding out that he was using LSD, it just all began to make sense.

2. Spongebob Squarepants

The Lord of Bikini Bottom's origins can be tracked down to none other than Stephen Hillenburg's tripping on LSD. Definitely should come as no surprise, as Hillenburg was also the main man behind Rocko's Modern Life, which was almost equally as trippy. I don't have any proof as to this show being created under the influence, but it just seems obvious to me.

3. Kurt Vonnegut

I'll just leave this one to everyone's interpretation. It's my only explanation.


If you want to make millions by creating a whacked-out invention nobody in their right mind would create, by all means take the LSD route. I mean, I created a time machine under the influence, and I'll let you guys know soon enough how it works.

Until next time!

I'm in 1980! Who'd have thought Liberace was gay? The women loved him.


Anonymous said...

Thats pretty funny about the creater of spongebob being under the influence. The sad thing is, is that it's true!!!

Unknown said...

Why is it sad??? Its great !!!

Unknown said...

Used in the correct manner; with upmost respect, in a concise and positive mind state, lsd CAN be beneficial... However, I do NOT promote the use of any drugs and believe people should respect and consider the use of any mind altering substance. Certain forms of such are not for everyone. All the nest to all of you.